These are the events for which webhooks will be triggered:
Payment_Status-specific events:
These are the events created and triggered when the status of the escrow object is impacted.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
escrow.paid | payment_status of the escrow object changes to paid. | On |
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Adam Smith",
"transaction_description":"1 x Item",
...... //Entire escrow object
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Adam Smith",
"transaction_description":"1 x Item",
...... //Entire escrow object
Payment_Attempt Specific Events:
These events are created and triggered when something of interest happens for a payment attempt of a checkout.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
payment_attempt.created | When a payment_attempt is created for the checkout | On |
payment_attempt.failed | When a payment_attempt fails for the checkout | On |
payment_attempt.processing | When the payment_attempt moves to the processing state | On |
payment_attempt.succeeded | When the payment_attempt succeeds | On |
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
Other Events:
These events are created and triggered when something interesting happens with the escrow object not related to a status change.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
escrow.created | A escrow object is created | Off |
escrow.expired | An active escrow object gets expired | On |
escrow.tax_invoice_generated | Triggered when Tazapay generates an invoice | On |
..... //Entire escrow object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire escrow object
"payin" : "esc_ahfafooi7ibakbfahoan",
"url": ""
.... //Entire escrow object
Document Verification Events:
These are the events created and triggered when documents for the escrow needs to be uploaded by the merchant. The merchant uploads the document(s) either through the document API or from the dashboard.
Event | Description (Triggered when) | Default (on/off) |
escrow.verification.processing | The verification_status of the release document changes to processing | On |
escrow.verification.requires_action | The verification_status of the release document changes to requires_action. This also contains the details of the action required. | On |
escrow.verification.succeeded | The verification_status of the release document changes to verified | On |
escrow.verification.failed | The verification_status of the release document changes to failed | On |
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire escrow object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire escrow object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire escrow object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire escrow object
Updated 12 months ago