
Doku is a popular digital wallet in Indonesia. When making a payment online, customers can select Doku as the payment method. On a mobile device, they get redirected to their pre-installed Doku application, otherwise they are redirected to the wallet’s website. The customers can then enter their mobile number, and complete the payment by entering their PIN.

A customer can pay a minimum of 0.01 USD equivalent IDR and a maximum of 1200 USD equivalent IDR using Doku on Tazapay

Integrating on your website / application

Step 1: Create a payin

Tazapay uses a payin object to represent your intent to collect a payment from your customer. The payin object tracks state changes from Doku transaction creation to payment completion.
Create a payin on your server with an amount, invoice_currency IDR and a transaction_description using the create payin API

A payin is created with the status requires_payment_method.

Sample cURL

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "invoice_currency": "IDR",
  "amount": 10000000,
  "transaction_description": "1 X Good",
	"webhook_url": ""

Step 2: Confirm a payin

Confirm the payin created in step 1 using the confirm payin API. Upon confirmation of the payin, a redirection URL is generated. The status of the payin moves to requires_action

The following fields are to be passed in the request body

FieldSubfieldtypeMandatory (Y/N)Description
payment_method_detailsjsonYDetails specific to the payment method required to create a charge
success_urlstringYURL where the customer is directed to after a successful payment
cancel_urlstringYThe URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website.

The following sub-fields can be passed in payment_method_details

FieldSubfieldtypeMandatory (Y/N)Description
typeenumYThe type of the payment method. In this case, it is doku_idr

Sample cURL

curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
  "customer_details": {
    "name": "Andrea Lark",
    "email": "",
    "country": "ID"
  "payment_method_details": {
    "type": "doku_idr"

Combining Steps 1 and 2 into a single step

Instead of making 2 API calls, you can also combine steps 1 and 2 into a single API call. To do so, pass the parameters in both the create payin and confirm payin endpoints to the create payin API.

Also, pass the following field

FieldtypeMandatory (Y/N)Description
confirmbooleanYTo confirm the payin along with creation

Sample cURL

curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "invoice_currency": "IDR",
  "amount": 10000000,
  "transaction_description": "1 X Good",
  "webhook_url": "",
  "customer_details": {
    "name": "Andrea Lark",
    "email": "",
    "country": "ID"
  "payment_method_details": {
    "type": "doku_idr"

Step 3: Redirect the customer to Doku

After confirming the payin, you will receive the following response. You will receive a redirect_url where you can redirect your customer to

    "status": "success",
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "amount": 10000000,
        "amount_paid": 0,
        "billing_details": null,
        "cancel_url": "",
        "cancelled_at": null,
        "client_token": "lSMRSARnIHkJtaf4jkal04Fag5FWrQokejmRe-6rCno=",
        "confirm": true,
        "created_at": "2024-02-28T17:56:18.293247360Z",
        "customer": "cus_cnfn7ftk11f1q7gge7dg",
        "customer_details": {
            "country": "ID",
            "email": "",
            "name": "Andrea Lark",
            "phone": null
        "id": "pay_cnfn7fr5pbnta9her7k0",
        "invoice_currency": "IDR",
        "latest_payment_attempt": "pat_cnfn7g35pbnta9her7lg",
        "latest_payment_attempt_data": {
            "expires_at": "2024-03-04T17:56:18Z",
            "redirect_url": ""
        "metadata": null,
        "object": "payin",
        "paid_in_excess": false,
        "partially_paid": false,
        "payment_attempts": [],
        "payment_method_details": {
            "type": "doku_idr"
        "reference_id": "",
        "shipping_details": null,
        "statement_descriptor": "",
        "status": "requires_action",
        "status_description": "",
        "success_url": "",
        "transaction_data": [],
        "transaction_description": "1 X Good",
        "transaction_documents": [],
        "webhook_url": ""

Step 4: Handle post-payment events

Tazapay sends a payin.succeeded event as soon as the funds are received from the customer. Use the webhook_url field in the payin API to receive these events and run actions (for example, sending an order confirmation email to your customers, logging the sale in a database, starting a shipping workflow, etc.)

Post a successful payment, the customer will be redirected back to the success_url. You will also receive a payin.succeeded event on your webhook_url.

In case the customer does not complete the payment within the expiry time or the charge is not successful, the customer is redirected back to the cancel_url . From the cancel_url, you can display the list of payment methods again to the customer. To generate a new request, confirm the payin again using Step 2. You will also receive a payment_attempt.failed webhook.

EventDescriptionNext Steps
payin.succeededThe customer paid before the expiration of the payment requestFulfill the goods or services that the customer purchased
payment_attempt.failedThe customer did not pay and the request expiredAllow the customer to generate a new request or complete the payment via another payment method

Expiration and cancellation

Doku charge requests expire after 5 minutes and the customer cannot pay once the charge request has expired. After expiration, the status of the payin changes to requires_payment_method. At this point, you can confirm the payin with another payment method or cancel.

Test the Integration

You can simulate the following scenarios on the redirect_url

  1. Successful Payment - Click on Simulate Success CTA. A payin.succeeded event will be triggered. The status of the payin will change to succeeded.
  2. Failed Payment - Click on Simulate Failure CTA. A payment_attempt.failed event will be triggered. The status of the payin will change to requires_payment_method.

Integrating Refunds

You can refund a transaction in two ways - using the dashboard or using Refund API.

Doku does not support partial refunds, the refund has to be for the full value of the transaction.

Refunding using dashboard

Refer to this guide:

Refund using API

Sample cURL

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "payin": "pay_cmrq5c74r2tr8tu3s2gg",
  "reason": "Customer Return",
  "webhook_url": ""

For full refund, specifying the amount and currency is not required to initiate a refund.