These are the events for which webhooks will be triggered
Payment_Status-specific events:
These are the events created and triggered when the payment_status of the checkout object changes.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
checkout.paid | payment_status of the checkout object changes to paid. | On |
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Adam Smith",
"transaction_description":"1 x Item",
...... //Entire checkout object
Payment_Attempt Specific Events:
These events are created and triggered when something of interest happens for a payment attempt of a checkout.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
payment_attempt.created | When a payment_attempt is created for the checkout | On |
payment_attempt.failed | When a payment_attempt fails for the checkout | On |
payment_attempt.processing | When the payment_attempt moves to the processing state | Off |
payment_attempt.succeeded | When the payment_attempt succeeds | On |
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
.... ///Entire payment_attempt object
Other Events:
These events are created and triggered when something interesting happens with the checkout object not related to a status change.
Event | Description | Default (on/off) |
checkout.created | A checkout object is created | Off |
checkout.expired | An active checkout object gets expired | On |
checkout.tax_invoice_generated | Triggered when Tazapay generates a tax invoice | On |
..... //Entire Checkout object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
.... //Entire checkout object
"payin" : "pay_aofnoianfoanfnafn",
"url": ""
.... //Entire checkout object
Updated 11 months ago