Required Information to create a Payout Beneficiary
Local Payout Guide
Following are the bank codes mandatory for a country-currency pair. Pass the bank codes in the bank_codes
field in the beneficiary.destination_details object.
Currency | Country | Mandatory Bank Codes | account_number / iban | Other Required Fields |
AUD | Australia | bsb_code | account_number | |
BRL | Brazil | branch_code , bank_code | account_number | tax_id , bank.account_type |
CAD | Canada | branch_code , bank_code | account_number | |
CNY | China | swift_code | account_number | national_identification_number* , logistics_tracking_details |
CZK | Czech Republic | - | iban | |
DKK | Denmark | bank_code | account_number | |
EEA** | EUR | swift_code | iban | |
HKD | Hongkong | swift_code | account_number | |
HUF | Hungary | - | iban | |
IDR | Indonesia | swift_code | account_number | |
INR | India | ifsc_code | account_number | beneficiary.address_details |
KRW | Korea | swift_code | account_number | |
MXN | Mexico | swift_code | account_number | |
MYR | Malaysia | swift_code | account_number | phone |
NGN | Nigeria | swift_code | account_number | |
NOK | Norway | bank_code | account_number, iban | |
PHP | Philippines | swift_code | account_number | |
PKR | Pakistan | - | iban | |
PLN | Poland | swift_code | iban | |
QAR | Qatar | swift_code | iban | |
RON | Romania | - | iban | |
SEK | Sweden | bank_code | account_number | |
SGD | Singapore | swift_code | account_number | |
THB | Thailand | swift_code | account_number | |
TRY | Turkey | iban | ||
GBP | United Kingdom | sort_code | account_number | |
EUR | United Kingdom | iban | ||
USD | United States | aba_code | account_number | |
VND | Vietnam | swift_code | account_number |
European Economic Area Countries Include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
*national_identification_number: This is a conditionally mandatory field required for doing individual local payouts in China. For payouts to businesses, it is not needed
Swift Payout guide
Following are the bank codes mandatory for a country to do a swift
payment. Pass the bank codes in the bank_codes
field in the beneficiary.destination_details object.
Countries | Mandatory Bank Codes | account_number / iban (Either account_number or IBAN is required) | Other Required Fields |
United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Denmark, European Economic Area (EEA), Hungary, Israel, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom | swift_code | IBAN | |
Australia, Colombia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Nigeria, New Zealand, Oman, Turkey, United States, South Africa | swift_code | account_number | |
India | swift_code | account_number | beneficiary.address_details |
Brazil | swift_code | account_number | tax_id |
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam | swift_code | account_number | |
Malaysia | swift_code | account_number | phone |
Updated 2 months ago