This is an object representing your real time Tazapay balance across different currencies.

The Balance Object

  "available": [
      "amount": "1212429",
      "currency": "THB"
      "amount": "403917",
      "currency": "USD"
      "amount": "-375345",
      "currency": "SGD"
      "amount": "100000",
      "currency": "PHP"
      "amount": "2469000",
      "currency": "KRW"
      "amount": "10000000",
      "currency": "IDR"
      "amount": "-36291",
      "currency": "EUR"
      "amount": "1090172",
      "currency": "BRL"
      "amount": "-7274",
      "currency": "GBP"
      "amount": "0",
      "currency": "INR"
  "object": "balance",
  "updated_at": "2024-09-30T10:53:03.314835Z"

availablearray of jsonAvailable balance in individual currencies
currencystringCurrency, uppercase, ISO-4217 standard
amountintegerAmount in cents. For decimal handling of various currencies, refer to the guide here
objectstringString representing the object's type, Objects of the same type share the same value. It is balance here
updated_attimestampTimestamp at which the balance was last updated