Payments using alternate payment methods can be simulated in the Tazapay payment links in test mode. Some payment methods might require a data input which you can use from this page.
Brazil PIX QR / Boleto
CPF or CNPJ No.: 07341712503
Mexico SPEI - Electronic Bank Transfer
RFC: AAAH6404096Z4
Mobile Money
Country | Mobile Number |
Ghana | 233240000000 |
Kenya | 254700000000 |
Tanzania | 255780000000 |
Uganda | 256770000000 |
Egypt | 201200000000 |
Bank Payments
Country | Mobile Number |
Egypt | 201200000000 |
Nigeria | 2348000000000 |
Internet Banking - SEPA debit SOFORT
Username: Gaara
Password: letmepaywithsand
Internet Banking - Philippines
Source: Test Bank Online
Login Id: login
Password: pass
Use of email domain for a customer will result in an error. Make sure to use an email of a different domain to test