These docs are for v1. Click to read the latest docs for v3.

Modal Styling

The Modal is used to load third-party sites for payment authorisation. This includes Card payment 3DS, Bank redirection, etc.

style: {
  "modal_padding": "1rem",
	"modal_zIndex": "9999",
	"modal_minWidth": "0%",
	"modal_maxWidth": "100%",
	"modal_minHeight": "300px",
	"modal_maxHeight": "100vh",
	"modal_background": "rgb(0 0 0 / 0.3)",
	"modal_backdrop": "blur(1px)",
	"modal-iframe_minWidth": "0%",
	"modal-iframe_maxWidth": "550px",
	"modal-iframe_minHeight": "300px",
	"modal-iframe_maxHeight": "100%",
	"modal-iframe_background": "white",
	"modal-iframe_borderRadius": "4px",
	"modal-iframe_boxshadow": "0px 10px 15px rgba(226, 232, 240, 0.32), 0px 4px 6px rgba(226, 232, 240, 0.5)",