These docs are for v1. Click to read the latest docs for v3.

Customise text colors

style: {
  "textprimary_color": "#27303F",
  "textprimary-active_color": "#156B8",
  "link_color": "rgba(55, 151, 187, 1)",

Customise the Spinner color

style: {
  "spinner_gradient": "white 0deg, rgba(39, 83, 107, 1) 360deg",
  "spinnerhead_color": "#26536B",

Payment method list styling

style: {
  "listitem_border": "1.5px solid #E2E8F0",
  "listitem_borderRadius": "0px",
  "listitem_background": "transparent",
  "listitem-hover_border": "1.5px solid #156B8A",
  "listitem-hover_background": "#FBFDFE",
  "listitem-active_border": "1.5px solid #156B8A",
  "listitem-active_background": "#FBFDFE",

Enable Radio Buttons for Payment Option

style: {
  "listitemRadio-display": "visible",
  "listitemRadio_border": "1px solid #97A6BA",
  "listitemRadio-checked_border": "1px solid #1B89B1",
  "listitemRadio-checked_background": "#156B8A",

Icon Styling

style: {
  "iconSuccess_background": "#3538CD",
  "iconSuccess_foreground": "white",
  "iconProgress_background": "#3538CD",
  "iconFail_background": "#BA1A1A",

Style the icons that will be shown on success and failure screens