These docs are for v1. Click to read the latest docs for v3.
2300KYB application already exists, please update existing details
2301Please pass a valid representative's role. This is either Director, Shareholder, Beneficial Owner, Authorised Signatory, or Other. If Other, pass a "role_name" field.
2302You have indicated a role as "Other". Please provide a role_name
2303Percentage value should be between 0 and 100
2304Invalid document selected
2305Invalid country selected
2306Document not available for the country
2307KYB application is not in initiated mode
2308KYB business not found
2309KYB person not found
2310KYB person's document(s) not found
2311A required field is missing, check our KYB API body parameters for required fields
2312Please provide business incorporation_no
2313Please provide document proof type
2314User not found
2315account_id is a required field and must be a valid uuid
2316Please pass a valid entity type for business. This can be: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Company or Other
2317Invalid business category
2318Invalid year in business
2319Please provide address line 1
2320Please provide city
2321Please provide state
2322Please provide country
2323Please provide annual turnover
2324Ownership percent value must be greater than 25%
2325Please pass a valid owner's role. This is either Director, Shareholder, Beneficial Owner, Authorised Signatory, or Other. If Other, pass a "role_name" field.
2326Please pass business object since the account type is business, refer to the Post KYB segment in our API docs
2327Please pass a valid document type. This is either Driver's License, National ID, Passport, or Other. If Other, pass a "name" field.
2328Please pass a valid URL for download. Ensure that this is a downloadable file. We will download the file from this link and then upload internally. You can also use the Doc Upload API to generate an internal link
2329Please pass a valid UUID for account_id. Refer to Post KYB body parameters
2330Unable to update since the KYB is already completed. please contact us at [email protected] if there is a change in the entity's details.