These docs are for v1. Click to read the latest docs for v3.

Escrow allows two parties to protect funds until certain conditions or milestones are met. The verification of completion of these funds can be either done by Tazapay or the user, which has to be communicated to Tazapay at the time of onboarding.

To create an escrow, we need to know the Tazapay User IDs of the buyer and seller participating in the transaction, the invoice amount and currency and a free-text note on what the transaction is about.

Documents are not required to create an escrow but can be provided to indicate additional details about the underlying trade to make the eventual release process smoother for the seller (entity getting paid).

    "state": "Escrow_Draft",
    "sub_state": "na",
    "invoice_currency": "USD",
    "fee_tier": "standard",
    "fee_paid_by": "buyer",
    "txn_type": "goods",
    "txn_no": "2021-71615",
    "txn_description": "",
    "release_mechanism": "",
    "reference_id": "",
    "initiated_by": "53bb481a-58bc-450a-b7ea-8e818a0edcd8",
    "buyer_id": "53bb481a-58bc-450a-b7ea-8e818a0edcd8",
    "seller_id": "6ec614d4-26af-467e-a57f-aea4b04489aa",
    "invoice_amount": 300000,
    "collect_amount": 300750,
    "disburse_amount": 300000,
    "fee_tier_percentage": 6.2,
    "release_docs": [
         "type": "Proof of Work",
         "url": "" 
         "type" : "Others",
         "name" : "OTH - File", 
         "url" : "" 
       "type" : "Proforma Invoice",
       "url" : ""
       "type" : "Others",
       "name" : "OTH - File",
       "url" : ""
    "buyer": {
      "contact_name": "Jane doe",
      "email": "",
      "country": "SG",
      "company_name": "LoremPay",
      "ind_bus_type": "Business"
    "seller": {
      "contact_name": "John doe",
      "email": "",
      "country": "GB",
      "company_name": "",
      "ind_bus_type": "Individual"
    "attributes": null,
    "initiator_role": "buyer",
    "fee_amount": 750,


statestring State / status of escrow
sub_statestring Sub state / status of escrow
invoice_currencystring Invoice currency
invoice_amountfloat Invoice amount
fee_tierstring Applicable fee tier
fee_paid_bystring Party that bears the fee for the transaction. Can be: buyer or seller
txn_typestring Type of transaction. Can be: goods, service
txn_nostring Year and 5 digit escrow transcation number
txn_descriptionstring A short description of the underlying transaction or trade
release_mechanismstring Party responsible for verifying the release documents. Can be: marketplace, tazapay, If empty; contracted MP level value will get applied
reference_idstring Marketplace identifier value. Example, marketplace escrow number, auto generated value, etc.
initiated_bystring Tazapay account UUID of the party who has initiated the transaction
buyer_idstring Tazapay account UUID of the buyer
seller_idstring Tazapay account UUID of the seller
invoice_amountfloat Invoice amount
collect_amountfloat Collection amount in invoice currency
disburse_amountfloat Disburse amount in invoice currency
fee_tier_percentagestring Fee percentage to be paid by the party that bears the fee for the transaction.
release_docs[] release_docs The list of documents to be provided as completion proof for the verification.
Please check release_docs
txn_docs[] txn_doc Supporting documents for transaction.
Please check txn_doc
buyerbuyer Buyer deatils
Please check buyer
sellerseller Seller deatils
Please check seller
attributesjson Tunnelled add-on fields
initiator_rolestring Party that initites the transaction. Can be buyer or seller
fee_amountfloat Fee in invoice currency


typestring one of Bill of lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin, Airway Bill, Inspection Certificate, Others
namestring Name of the doc if user has selected type as others
urlstring Direct download link


typestring one of Proforma Invoice , PO, Contract, Order Form, Others
namestring Name of the doc if user has selected type as others
urlstring Direct download link


contact_namestring Buyer's first and last
emailstring Buyer's email address
countrystring Buyer's country
company_namestring Buyer's company name. Can be empty


contact_namestring Seller's first and last
emailstring Seller's email address
countrystring Seller's country
company_namestring Seller's company name. Can be empty