These docs are for v1. Click to read the latest docs for v3.

Welcome to Tazapay's API docs

πŸ“ What is Tazapay's Payment Gateway API?

The Tazapay APIs allow you as an online marketplace or platform to create a payment gateway for cross-border transactions as well as to collect, hold, and release payments among multiple parties from multiple countries.

Get Started

To get your production API key and also gain access to payment links, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Tazapay's dashboard
  2. Go to the 'Request API Key' tab and fill in the following information:
    • Platform Name
    • Logo
    • Transaction Type (Goods/Services)
    • Percentage share of Tazapay's transaction fees
  3. The API key and secret key will be generated as soon as you submit your info in step 2. You will also be able to access creating payment links here.


You can follow the same steps on sandbox if you need to test API keys for integration.

  • Sandbox environment keys will differ from production environment keys.
  • Sign up with Google does NOT work on sandbox.

Once you've completed the above steps, you'll have access to your APIKey and Secret Key:

API-KeyWill be used to identify your platform while calling our APIs
API-SecretWill be needed to generate the authorisation token (signature) which we use for authentication

Downloading Tazapay's Postman Collection (JSON Library)

If you're using Postman to create or test API calls, you may want to download Tazapay's JSON library.

We are constantly working on our API product to make it easier for our partners to integrate with us. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please share them with us at