Enhanced Checkout.expiry webhook
3 months ago by Muskan Chugh
Existing Behaviour
Today, the checkout.expiry webhook was triggered only after a successful transaction was completed, ensuring that the checkout link could not be reused after payment. However, this behaviour has now been updated.
What's New
The checkout.expiry webhook event will now be triggered whenever the checkout expiry time is reached, regardless of the transaction outcome (successful, failed, or no attempt made).
Sample webhook response
"type": "checkout.expired",
"id": "evt_csg8tloc89asb639ne2g",
"object": "event",
"created_at": "2024-10-29T07:29:27.364125216Z",
"data": {
"customer_details": {
"phone": {
"calling_code": "84",
"number": "1234323"
"country": "VN",
"email": "",
"name": "Preamji GK"
"expires_at": "2024-10-29T06:58:32Z",
"created_at": "2024-10-29T06:57:32.671856Z",
"payin": "chk_csg8en6n4ofca8vfai4g",
"id": "chk_csg8en6n4ofca8vfai4g",
"object": "checkout",
"invoice_currency": "SGD",
"customer": "cus_crp8vi02h9tjss0jmlng",
"transaction_description": "test primer refund",
"payment_status": "unpaid",
"url": "",
"status": "expired",
"holding_currency": "SGD",
"metadata": null,
"payment_methods": [
"amount": 42300